Not everyone is gifted with good communication , some may not have got chance to speak as much English as others during their school days and they often find difficulty initially in the university or in office. Now a days, communication is equally important like having good technical skills ; such person may find difficult to communicate with onsite or clearly convey what he wants to say during normal discussions and may perceived as introvert which eventually impedes his growth. If you think you need to improve this aspect of yours then continue to read.
You want to improve your English communication and you have already tried many ways to improve in the past but yet you have not seen the improvement you wanted to see. You may have seen improvement for short term but again over time it has come back to square one. Let’s cut to the chase and tackle the issue head-on by taking the bull by its horns.
Identify the problem and the root cause
Have a paper and pen or just open a notepad on your laptop or mobile.Think about the reason(s) that you think is holding you up from achieving high proficiency level. Note down all the reasons one by one.
Activity 1: Note down the factors that are holding you back from achieving desired proficiency.
It is important you note it down; maintaining a log of all such reasons fosters a sense of accountability, helping you to be more aware and avoid such mistakes consciously and sub-consciously.
eg answer- > Irregular practice ,not reading books enough, not getting chance to talk English etc…
Let’s now start by assessing your current proficiency level. Be honest, you can also give zero on some parameters you think you are not good at all. Note down the score in big font and stick some where which is prominently visible to you. If you have got 8 out of 40, convert to % i.e. 20 and write the score.

If your score is above 80, you are already doing good and you can probably skip this blog. Your goal should be to reach as closer to 100 points (after converting to %) as possible with practice and improving on the above parameters.
Activity 2: Calculate score and note it down somewhere so that it is easily visible to you.
Build on your strength
Vocabulary and Phrases
It is important to have good vocabulary to make good impression when you talk. Most of us know good amount of words but most of us end up using very limited amount of words. The issue is that you are not using them in your daily conversation or writing. Let’s start by writing as much words/phrases as possible that you can recall from the top of your mind on various topics like on travel, asking for direction, talking about a recent trip etc.
Do not just write the words, write phrases that goes along with the words. Think about a situation on that particular topic and talk on that topic impromptu for 2-3 minutes. Note down , then again repeat.
e.g. Describing Food
Iteration 1: creamy, crispy, juicy, sour, bitter, spicy, hot, mild, sweet, flavor, fresh, rotten, tasty,delicious,smooth,hard,oily,unhealthy, too spicy,deep fried,
Iteration 2: Appetizing, Tangy, Rich,Flavorful, Yummy, homestyle, crunchy, filling, silky, chewy, greasy, processed,
Iteration 3 (after taking help from book/online):Palatable dish,Succulent chicken,Wholesome meal/cooking, Luscious pastry/chocolate,Zesty salad/dressing, comforting, it looks appetizing, gluten-free ingredients, symphony of flavors,a gastronomic delight, suites my palate
Activity 3: Note down words/phrases on following topics: describing someone/something , describing weather, asking for direction, purchasing someone, asking for help, talking to doctor, talking to principal/teacher in school, talking to neighbor, talking to colleague about your last holiday, talking about your boss, colleague , about your life, work etc
—-To be continued….